Parasyte centers on a 17-year-old male named Shinichi Izumi, WHO lives together with his mother and father in a very quiet neighborhood in Japanese capital. One night, worm-like creatures referred to as Parasites seem on Earth, absorbing the brains of human hosts by coming into through their ears or noses. One Parasite tries to crawl into Shinichi's ear whereas he sleeps, however fails as Shinichi is sporting headphones, and enters his body by burrowing into his arm instead. within the Japanese version, it takes over his right and is known as Migi (ミギー?), when the japanese word for 'right'; Tokyopop's version, during which the pictures square measure flipped horizontally, has the Parasite take over Shinichi's hand and it's named Lefty.
Because Shinichi was able to forestall Migi from move more up into his brain, each beings retain their separate intellect and temperament. because the couple encounter different Parasites, they take advantage of their strange state of affairs and bit by bit kind a robust bond, operating along to survive. this provides them a foothold in battling different Parasites WHO often attack the combine upon realization that Shinichi's human brain remains intact. Shinichi feels compelled to fight different Parasites, WHO devour humans as food, whereas recruitment Migi's facilitate.
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